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League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows, inspired by the popular Defense of the Ancients
map for an older but just as famous game called Warcraft 3.

  • Each player begins at opposing sides of a map in an area called the Spawning Pool, near what is called a Nexus. A match is won when either team’s nexus is destroyed. Each team own its respective Nexus which spawns minions, weaker characters that assist the player during the laning or farming phase.
  • The League of Legends, housed by the Institute of War, was a facility created to prevent warfare between Demacia and Noxus, the two major cities of Valoran. Each city would train Summoners, people with the special ability to control Champions of the League through Energy Orbs.
  • Maps in League of Legends are called Fields of Justice. There are currently three Fields of Justice that the players can choose from, two 5-vs-5 maps and one 3-vs-3 map. In addition, maps are being remade and their contents remodeled for more enjoyable gameplay. Dominion is the latest game mode released by Riot Games. Dominion brings faster action and tactical gameplay played on a new map, The Crystal Scar, and features a new Capture-and-Hold play-style.

The Champion Rotation Schedule is the schedule of which champions are available to play for free (without needing to purchase them with Riot Points or Influence Points).

generally fall into certain categories based on their skills. These are also called tags and are used on the attributes space on each champion main page and Ability Details page.

Champion skin (or just skin) refers to the color scheme or appearance of a champion. Skins can be bought from the Riot store using Riot points. Some of the skins in League of Legends also give champions different particle effects, quotes, and sound effects.

The currency of the game breaks down to:

  • Influence Points(IP) are the currency inside the game. They are used for unlocking new champions and other content.
  • RIOT Points(RP) are different because they can only be purchased via PayPal, PaySafe, Visa and mobile services and are used to unlock special content.

Creating an account on any server is free and easy, and a great way to join a passionate community of people who love what you love.

The League of Legends is definitely a game worth playing, making use of great graphics and immersive gameplay.



by Dimitris Milonas

Theodoros Koumanakis

Dimitris Kexagioglou




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